Excellent patient care has three key requirements. You need experienced, dedicated staff. Secondly, you need quality surgical instruments and equipment. And then you need to ensure they are thoroughly cleaned and sterilised to the required standards.
Excellent patient care has three key requirements. You need experienced, dedicated staff. Secondly, you need quality surgical instruments and equipment. And then you need to ensure they are thoroughly cleaned and sterilised to the required standards.
Surgical instruments and equipment save lives. But if they are not cleaned and sterilised, they can spread life threatening healthcare-associated infections.
Whiteley is a leader in medical device reprocessing and instrument cleaning solutions to help you deliver to the highest hygiene standards.
Healthcare associated infections (HAI’s) are one of the most common, significant, and preventable safety issues today, according to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. The impact of HAI’s includes increased patient morbidity and mortality risks, and prolonged hospital stays.
One of the most important aspects of surgery or procedures such as an endoscopy is reprocessing of the surgical instruments or medical devices after use to prevent HAI’s. Critical to this is using appropriate cleaning and disinfecting products specifically formulated to meet the cleaning and sterilisation requirements.
Whiteley is a leading supplier of cleaning and disinfectant products for CSSD departments and endoscopy practices. We supply hospitals in Australia and New Zealand with machine detergents, manual and ultrasonic detergents, stainless-steel brighteners and descalers, as well as automatic endoscope reprocessing chemistry systems.
Whiteley offers training and practical compliance support for our complete range of Central Sterile Service Department (CSSD) and other medical device reprocessing products.
Talk to our team of experts for advice or to trial any of our products.
Whiteley offers advice, training and practical support for all of your infection prevention, medical device reprocessing, and professional cleaning needs.
You can view our product safety data sheets, technical bulletins and find out about the products from our range.