Whiteley Corporation and University of Newcastle join forces to develop advanced manufacturing capability for a new human therapeutics plant at Tomago.

Whiteley Corporation announce research collaboration with the University of Newcastle for developing Advanced Manufacturing for MedTech in the Hunter

Locally based Whiteley Corporation has signed a 1-year Innovation Connections collaborative research grant as part of the Australian Government’s Entrepreneurs’ Programme with the University of Newcastle. The project will research and develop a specific Industry 4.0 solution for a new human therapeutics manufacturing process located at Tomago, Newcastle. The research investment valued at $100,000 will provide specific independent research and development expertise to assist Whiteley Corporation. The utilisation of specialist control and automation researchers to work with Whiteley Corporation to research and assist in the development of a specific solution is required to improve efficiencies and drive additional production capacity.

The project will be led by Darran Leyden, Managing Directory Whiteley Corporation and Associate Professor James Welsh, School of Electrical Engineering and Computing from the University of Newcastle. Associate Professor Welsh’s research expertise encompasses the areas of system identification, control and medical engineering which are fundamental to the goals of this project.

Post-doctoral researcher Dr Adrian Medioli is part of the University of Newcastle team and will bring his expertise in the fields of computer engineering, electrical engineering, control systems and 10 years industrial experience working in automation to the project. Supporting Associate Professor Welsh, and Dr Medioli is Honours student Mitchell Marotta.

“This project will research cutting edge advanced manufacturing technology to increase our production capability” said Darran Leyden. “It will lead to increased sales both domestically and internationally for our range of infection prevention products and allow us to launch new life saving healthcare products that we are currently researching.”

Industry 4.0 is the next step in advanced manufacturing which introduces the use of the Internet of Things (IoT), Digitisation and Automation to improve the overall manufacturing and quality process.

Darran Leyden said he is pleased a local Hunter manufacturer is leading the way in such world class research. “Whiteley Corporation is delighted to partner with the University of Newcastle to develop advanced manufacturing processes in the MedTech sector. We have numerous University of Newcastle graduates working within our company including myself. This project will further develop the linkage between industry, our company and the University.”

Professor Welsh said “This project represents a marvellous opportunity for the Electrical Engineering discipline at the University to assist a local high technology company adopt best practice ideas inspired by Industry 4.0. The group’s expertise to carry out this work is consistent with their recognition as 13th in the world in the 2020 ARWU world ranking of Automation and Control.”

Darran concluded, “We have collaborated with numerous universities around the world and we are excited to sign this new agreement with the University of Newcastle. We recognise Associate Professor James Welsh and the University of Newcastle team for their global expertise in advanced manufacturing and look forward to working with them on this project.”

With its main manufacturing facility in Tomago, Whiteley Corporation is a world leader in Infection Prevention and has been in operation for over85 years.

Photo courtesy of Newcastle Herald. 

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