Raw Water Hardness and Chloride Testing for Endoscopy Departments and CSSDs

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Course Description: As per AS/NZS4187:2014 (including Amd 1:2015 and Amd 2:2019) all departments processing Reusable Medical Devices should conduct regular water testing. Endoscopy departments and CSSDs should conduct process water testing as per table 7.2 of the standard. You can achieve compliance on water hardness, conductivity, chloride levels and endotoxins using the recommended Whiteley products and training programs.

Key Learning outcomes from this course:

  • Understand AS/NZS4187:2014 Amd 2:2019 guideline requirements.
  • Recognize and understand the monthly water testing requirements for your facility.
  • Learn how to conduct water hardness, conductivity, and chloride testing.
  • Understand the requirements for annual endotoxin testing.
  • Recording water testing results for audits.

Please contact us if you have any questions relating to this course.


  1. Links to water testing etc.
  2. Water testing Demonstration video.
  3. Brochure to support monthly and annual testing.
  4. Product Safety Data Sheets and technical bulletins.

Structure: Guidelines associated with Water testing in Endoscopy & CSSD

This learning module has been developed based on the requirements for meeting water testing standards in healthcare facilities as outlined in the following:

SAI Global Australian & New Zealand Standards – Office-based health care facilities— Reprocessing of reusable medical and surgical instruments and equipment, and maintenance of the associated environment  – https://www.saiglobal.com/pdftemp/previews/osh/as/as4000/4800/4815-2006.pdf


  • As a safety requirement, healthcare organisations are required to regularly test and monitor their water, in accordance with AS/NZS 4187:2014 Amd 2:2019

ANY person working or entering a facility is at risk of transmitting viral/bacterial infection and/or being infected. (NHMRC)

At the end of this learning module, participants will be able to

  • Conduct monthly water testing for Chloride, Conductivity and Water Hardness Testing.
  • Understand the requirements for Annual Endotoxin testing.
  • Record and monitor water testing records for ongoing review.